BLOCKS by SIZE 14" Quilt Blocks

Do you want to make a large quilt, but don't have a lot of time? The 14" inch quilt block might be your choice. Larger sized blocks equal less blocks to make and the "finish line" is in sight faster. Fourteen inch blocks are typically made as seven patches, as they are designed on a 7 x 7 grid.

Tea Rose

Sample Quilt Layouts

You might look at the Tea Rose quilt block and think "Where have I seen that block before?". I know I did and I was thinking of the Bear's Paw design.

Two sample quilt layouts are featured below for this quilt block. Both of these designs use sashing strips to separate the blocks, but the resultant quilts are very different.

The quilt layout on the left uses a side by side block setting, which results in a secondary pattern forming where the blocks and sashing strips meet. Depending on how you view the quilt, you might see meandering diagonal trails of light squares or you might see stars forming where four blocks meet.

The quilt layout on the right sets the blocks on point, alternating with colourful, blank blocks, for a place to highlight a lovely quilting design. The sashing strips use different colours on the sides for a different effect.

Similar Quilt Blocks:
~ Bear's Paw
~ Bear's Paw Variation
~ Best Friends
~ Black Tie Event
~ Doves in the Window