BLOCKS by SIZE | 5" Quilt Blocks |
For those quilters wanting a little more of a challenge, five inch quilt blocks might be the answer -- smaller blocks usually means more blocks to make. Another reason for using five inch blocks is to create a secondary pattern. By using 4 blocks and rotating each of them, you get a different larger quilt block. These larger blocks can then be laid out in variety of ways to make some very interesting original designs.
Mermaid's Hair
Free Quilt Block Pattern
I was watching the Disney movie The Little Mermaid recently and then a few days later just happened on a quilt block called Mermaid's Hair. This seemed to be a sign that I should make a pattern for this quilt block. Naturally, I incorporated Ariel's hair and fin colours as part of my colour scheme.
This five patch block is a good learning experience to practice your half square triangles. The only other basic shape used is the square, so the construction is pretty simple. I chose to construct the block as an uneven nine patch as I think it is easier to sew than using five rows of five, but you may opt for sewing in rows as your chosen method, and that is fine as well.
Similar Blocks:
~ Bright Jewel
~ Cain and Abel
~ Farmer's Daughter
~ Miller's Daughter
~ Sister's Choice