BLOCKS by SIZE 8" Quilt Blocks

Eight inch quilt blocks are commonly used in quilts that are made up of one block only and the parts are easily divisible by four. Also, by setting the blocks in different layouts, you can create many different new designs -- sometimes with just a simple rotation of the block. This is not to say that larger or smaller versions of the same quilt block cannot be used in your quilt. Once again, you are the designer.

Grape Basket

Sample Quilt Layouts

The Grape Basket quilt block lends itself nicely to creating a "medallion" quilt as you can see in the quilt layout on the left. This looks similar to a picture in a frame.

The directional nature of the quilt block allows for more design options by rotating the blocks in 90 degree increments. The quilt layout on the right uses this technique, so there is no real top or bottom to that quilt.