BLOCKS by SIZE | 8" Quilt Blocks |
Eight inch quilt blocks are commonly used in quilts that are made up of one block only and the parts are easily divisible by four. Also, by setting the blocks in different layouts, you can create many different new designs -- sometimes with just a simple rotation of the block. This is not to say that larger or smaller versions of the same quilt block cannot be used in your quilt. Once again, you are the designer.
Aunt Nancy's Favorite
Free Quilt Block Pattern
Aunt Nancy's Favorite (or as I prefer to spell it ... "Aunt Nancy's Favourite") is an easy to intermediate level quilt block to produce. This four patch block is only difficult due to the number of pieces used to create the block. But, it is well worth the effort.
The quilt block contains only half square triangles and the smaller units, the quarter square triangles, but nothing is difficult if you pay close attention to the precision of your quarter inch seam allowances and note that some of the patches are mirror images (where the quarter square triangle pieces are used).
More "Auntie" quilt blocks:
~ Aunt Dinah
~ Aunt Sukey's Choice
~ Aunt Vinah's Favorite
~ Auntie's Puzzle