BLOCKS by SIZE 15" Quilt Blocks

Do you have a aversion to math? Well then the 15" inch quilt block is a welcome choice as the patches are designed in divisions and multiples of fives for ease. An added bonus is that by making a larger block, your quilt will go together in no time as there are less blocks to make.

Alaska Homestead

Sample Quilt Layouts

The two quilt layouts shown below are both designed using a diagonal setting of the quilt blocks.

The quilt layout featured on the left separates all of the blocks with sashing strips in the same fabric as the background of each block, thus making the blocks appear to float. The tiny "cornerstones" in each sashing strip add an additional spark of colour to the quilt.

The quilt layout illustrated on the right uses blank blocks in different colours for an entirely different design. These blocks give you a perfect spot to show off your quilting designs.

Similar Quilt Blocks:
~ Churn Dash
~ Monkey Wrench

See Also: More Cities and Places Quilt Blocks